Notice of Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 129th Annual General Meeting will be held in the clubhouse on Monday 25th of March, 2024 at 7:00 PM
- Confirmation of the minutes of:
- The Annual General Meeting held Monday 27 March, 2023
- Receive and Adopt Annual Report, Revenue Statement and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st December 2023
- Special Business
- Members to approve changes to the Rules of the Club as follows:
Replace section 16.1 Secretary
16.1 Secretary
(1) The Board must appoint a Secretary upon such terms as to salary and otherwise as the Board thinks fit, and may prescribe the duties of Secretary. Any vacancy in the position of Secretary of the Club can only be filled following an external public recruitment process.
Add to section 12.1 – Grounds for Taking Disciplinary Action
- d) The Secretary is responsible for the initial investigation of potential disciplinary action.
Replace 12.2 Disciplinary Subcommittee
12.2 Disciplinary Subcommittee
(1) If the Board is satisfied that there are sufficient grounds for taking disciplinary action against a member, the Board must appoint a disciplinary subcommittee to hear the matter and determine what action, if any, to take against the member.
(2) The members of the disciplinary subcommittee—
(a) will consist of 2 Board Members and the Secretary, or anyone else if seen as necessary; but
(b) must not be biased against, or in favour of, the member concerned, and
(c) every effort will be made to ensure that the composition of the Club representatives will be sensitive to gender representation.
Replace Section 12.5 Appeal Rights
12.5 Appeal Rights
(1) A person whose membership rights have been suspended or who has been expelled from the Club under rule 12.4 may give notice to the effect that he or she wishes to appeal against the suspension or expulsion.
(2) The notice must be in writing and given—
(a) to the disciplinary subcommittee immediately after the vote to suspend or expel the person is taken; or
(b) to the Secretary within 7 days after the vote.
(3) If a person has given notice under 12.5 (2), a disciplinary appeal meeting must be convened a 4-member panel appointed by the Board within 10 days of the notice. The panel is to consist of
(a) two Directors of the Ballarat Golf Club, and
(b) two invited members of the Ballarat Golf Club who have a demonstrated knowledge, or experience, in hearing such appeals.
(4) A person must not be appointed to an appeal subcommittee if the person—
- appointed to the initial disciplinary subcommittee to hear and determine the matter of the member concerned; or
- have a personal interest in the dispute; or
- is biased in favour of, or against, the member concerned, and
- will be sensitive to gender representation.
(5) Notice of the disciplinary appeal meeting must be given to each member of the appeal subcommittee and the member concerned as soon as practicable and must—
(a) specify the date, time, and place of the meeting; and
(b) state—
(i) the name of the person against whom the disciplinary action has been taken; and
(ii) the grounds for taking that action; and
(iii) that at the disciplinary appeal meeting the appeal subcommittee members present must vote on whether the decision to suspend or expel the person should be upheld or revoked, or
(iv) the appeal subcommittee may be afforded 5 days to reach a decision if unable to do so at the meeting
Replace 12.6 Conduct of Disciplinary Appeal Meeting
12.6 Conduct of Disciplinary Appeal Meeting
(1) At a disciplinary appeal meeting—
(a) no business other than the question of the appeal may be conducted; and
(b) the appeal subcommittee must state the grounds for suspending or expelling the member and the reasons for taking that action; and
(c) the person whose membership has been suspended or who has been expelled must be given an opportunity to be heard.
(2) After complying with subrule (1), members of the appeal subcommittee present and entitled to vote at the meeting must vote by secret ballot on the question of whether the decision to suspend or expel the person should be upheld or revoked.
(3) A member may not vote by proxy at the meeting.
(4) The decision is upheld if a majority of the persons voting at the meeting vote in favour of the decision.
(5) the appeal subcommittee may be afforded 5 days to reach a decision if unable to do so at the meeting
Directors Positions Vacant
The following Directors terms of appointment cease at the meeting.
Leigh Mitchell, Paul Foley, Barclay Dowling
The following Directors have notified the Board that they have resigned from the Board
Peter Fell
There are 4 Directors positions to be filled.
Nominations are now called for to fill the vacant positions.
Any member wishing to submit for election as a Director may do so by lodging with the Secretary a duly completed nomination form obtainable from the Secretary.
Nomination forms must be lodged with the Secretary not later than 5:00 PM, Friday the 1st of March 2024.
Hannah Mead & Gary Fry
Secretary Managers
16th February 2024